18 February 2012

Cäsar's Palace.

Cäsar's Home !

With the completion of some details, to put a thing or two of interest onto the base, this build finally came to  an end.

Some pictures in front of a fancy background:

And some details added

Thanks for watching and for your patience !

5 February 2012

88 mm Flak 37 mit Behelfslafette - Cäsar on the Catwalk.

 With adding the shield and applying the last touch ups, Cäsar's construction and painting came to an end. Some catwalk shots :

Cäsar watching the skies for the rest of his miserable 'life'

2 February 2012

88 mm Flak 37 mit Behelfslafette - Painting stages

Adding the shield

One of the final stages in this build is to install the gun shield. Because this is a photo etched part, epoxy glue is used to fit the shield onto the gun cradle.

Cäsar is beginning to take shape

30 January 2012

Caesar's Palace

Test Shots of the Flak

First test shots of the half-finished FLAK against a scenic background.

The whole thing nearing its completion.

26 January 2012

Weathering the FLAK ( continued... )

Some workbench shots.

The painting and weathering stage is nearing its completion.

Optics painted in Lamp Black Oil Paint

Details of the gun tube weathering

Wear on the wooden seats

Overall Shots