4 November 2011

88 mm Flak 37 mit Behelfslafette - Painting stages

Decided to give my FLAK a faint green spiderweb camo scheme.

Here we go:

Some Pics of basecoating the Flak.

First primed the whole piece with Humbrol Primer. Next model I will try another primer because the Humbrol paint was a little 'grainy'. I don't like to use spraycan primer because it's far too indiscriminate in use; too heavy a coat.

I preshaded using Tamiya Flat Black and Vallejo Royal Purple 72016 (Game Color). First light overspray with Tamiya Desert Yellow + Buff, this gives a medium brown look when sprayed over the black and purple. Then several coats with a lighter shade using buff + white. In some spots I used some plain yellow in the mix to get a  difference in hue.

This is what it looks like:

There's going to be a camouflage pattern added and extensive weathering afterwards.

Stay tuned